You should register your animal after 6 months of age and after it has received a rabies shot.
Animal Control FAQs
If a stray animal is on your property, you can call the Jones Creek City Hall, 979-233-2700, or the Marshal’s office, 979-233-3091, to have the animal picked up.
You may not keep a wild animal in the village of Jones Creek. Examples of wild animals are raccoons, alligators, skunks, coyotes, venomous reptiles, and snakes.
Your animal must be registered and licensed with the Village yearly. This will help insure that animals are vaccinated and not being abused. It will also help the animal control officer to locate the owners of animals that may be picked up.
Yes, your animal does have to have a City tag. It will be issued to you upon registration.
Your animal must be vaccinated for rabies yearly.
Registration tags should be attached to the animal at all times. This helps to identify the owner of the animal in the event the animal gets out.
The shelter will hold an animal for three days if it is not registered and five days if it is registered. During this time, the shelter staff will make every effort possible to locate the owner of the animal.
There is no limit to the number of animals you have; however, City Council has the right to re-address it at a later date.
Fees for pickup for a licensed animal are $25.00 and $50.00 for unlicensed animals. Also, boarding fees are $5.00 per day will be added. You will pay for this at Jones Creek City Hall.
You need to update your registration with the Village yearly.
You will contact Jones Creek City Hall to see if your animal has been impounded and how to reclaim your animal.
Yes, it will be May 19th from 10am-2pm at Jones Creek City Hall. Please feel free to bring your dog, but we stress that you must be able to control your animal, and it must be on a leash. If your dog has ever shown any signs of aggression we ask that you please leave them at home, but encourage you to join us and learn how to be the best pet parent you can be!
Yes, there are penalties that can be assessed by the judge for violating these laws. That can be as much as $2,000.00.
Visit the City of Brazoria's animal adoption Facebook page and take home your new family member today!
If you are attacked or feel threatened by an animal, please dial 9-1-1 immediately.
An animal that is found off of the premise of the owner, as well as an animal that is found outside of the enclosure in which it is required to be kept.
An animal that is found off of the premise of the owner, as well as an animal that is found outside of the enclosure in which it is required to be kept.
A tether is a single cable or chain attached to a stake in the ground or fixed object that prevents an animal from freely moving for exercise. You may not tether your animal.
Although the City of Brazoria is not a no-kill facility, we do make every attempt to find pets owners and adoptable homes if at all possible. After an animal has been kept for a set amount of time the animal will become available for adoption to interested and qualified people. No animal will be adopted to anyone that has been convicted of abuse to animals. Every pet deserves a chance to be happy just like its owners or people. For information on how to adopt an animal, please contact Brazoria City Hall at 979-798-2489.
If you do not register your animal with the Village, you may be assessed a fine of up to $2,000.00.
If your animal bites someone, the animal must be placed in quarantine for a period of ten days to allow the animal to be observed for signs of the rabies virus. After the quarantine period, the owner can get the animal back unless it tests positive for rabies. The owner will be responsible for all fees charged during the quarantine.
An animal will be declared vicious by the Animal Control Officer by written notice; thereafter, the animal will no longer be allowed to be kept, possessed, harbored, or allowed to remain in the Village.
If your animal is picked up by the Animal Control Officer, it will be taken to the City of Brazoria Animal Shelter. The Shelter will make every attempt to locate the owner and return the animal.
A device or cable is suspended between two fixed objects that a tag line can be attached to in order for an animal to have the ability to run and get exercise. You may contain your animal by a cable runner.
An animal that attacks a person or another animal, an animal that is repeatedly at large, an animal that barks, whines, or howls excessively, an animal that causes an odor, or an animal this is continuously stray.
A stray is an animal that roams, with no physical restraint, beyond the premises of such animal’s owner or keeper or an animal that has no known owner.
An animal that makes an unprovoked attack on a person or another animal that causes bodily injury; or shows any sign of aggression that would make a person believe the animal would attack.
An enclosure means a barn, shed, or fence, constructed of wood, masonry, chain link, or any combination thereof, sufficient to restrain any animal kept therein.
An unrestrained dog or cat is one that is allowed to run loose without a leash and leave the confines of the owner’s property.
Ordinance #471
By ordinance of Jones Creek, a person becomes the owner of a stray if that person allows the animal to stay on their property under their control for any part of three out of five consecutive days. To avoid becoming the owner of a stray, a person should call the Village offices and report it so that animal control can take possession of it and attempt to locate the owner or a home for the animal.
You can call the Jones Creek City Hall, 979- 233-2700, or the Jones Creek Marshal’s Office, 979-233-3091, to see if your animal was picked up.
You may register your animal with the Village at City Hall. The tag is $5.00 yearly for altered animals and $10.00 yearly for unaltered animals.
The Village has contracted with the City of Brazoria to use their Animal Control Officer.