Utility Department
Tiffany Lewis
7207 Stephen F. Austin Road
Jones Creek, TX 77541
Hours: Monday- Thursday:
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am- Noon
Phone: 979-233-2700
Fax: 979-233-3712
The Village of Jones Creek provides trash collection service to its residents through a contract with Waste Connections.
We only offer trash services inside the city limits of Jones Creek. If your address is outside the city limits, you will have to contact Waste Connections directly to set up services.
Pay your bill online at payjctx.com
To make any changes or to create/cancel an account you can download the garbage collection update form and either turn it in at City Hall or it can be emailed to trash.jonescreek@gmail.com
If you would like to set up for Direct Automatic payments each month, please fill out the Credit Card Authorization Form and email the completed for to trash.jonescreek@gmail.com